Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nothing is impossible with God..

Nothing is impossible to God. Like the song ' Allah Peduli' by Agnes Monica
'..apa yang kelihatan mustahil bagiku
itu sangat mungkin, bagi Mu..'

This is my testimony

I have a friend at school. She is in the same class as me. One Thursday around July, a few days before a a school  bazar (Pesta Ria),she wrote a letter, in tears, to me. I did't keep the letter, but I remembered what it said
"(My name), if I die today, please help me to give theses coupons to my parents. Tell them  to use it.
From (anonymus)
well, something like that.

I was shocked, because as far as I know, she is an active and friendly girl. Well, some people do says that she is annoying, including me, but other than that, she is ok... I also thought that she was jocking.

I said to her " Why? are you going to kill yourself?" I was a bit sarcastic.
"No.. my family hates me and so does everybody"
"Well, if that is the case..."
I went on saying that even whent he whole world hates her, throw her in a corner and don't care about her, there is always someone that cares about her, even LOVE her, and that is God. I also said the famouse verse from John 3:16, 'For God so loved the world that He gave HIs only Son. So that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life''

She kept on crying. I offered her a prayer, in Jesus's name. She is still living till today.

After that, she told me that at home, she has many things, riches of the world. But inside, she is empty. She seldom sees her parents, and is hungry for love. She tried to kill herself many times, by cutting herself and overeating Panadols. I can see that she is DESPERATE for love and attention.

When I told to a friend about me wanting to share the Good News to the friend, she says it is impossible. But I ignored and continuid my mission''''

So, I started talking to her about God, how Jesus died for her, how much God loves her. She  was touched.

After i consulted my CF teacher, she suggested I give her a booklet, entitled " God knows your pain" I followed. I explained to her about he content, and offered her prayer. I also bring her to morning devotions.
At home, I prayed to God that so my friend might get to know Him.

On the schooleavr's service, the speaker shared about his own experience, much alike hers. On the altar call, she came out. And she accepted Christ. Hallelujah!!

I am still praying so that the seed of faith in her will not wilter, especially now that it is the holidays. This is a new challenge for me, to keep the seedling growing.

I will keep in praying for her, also countless other so that they will also know God. Amen.


After seeing all those time seeing my family members begging and praying to their gods, i feel sad for them. Pity them actually, that they don't know the real God.

I now that I'm only 13 years old, but nothing is impossible through God who strengthens me.

I've prayed and fasted really hard that my grandmother, who at the moment doens't believe in God yet, so that she will get  know Him.. and guess what?
although she does't accept Christ YET, but she now has faith in Him!!!
really happy about this news..

This all started when i started praying with her besides her bed every night when she came to KL to stay with us for a few weeks (mommy's idea, hehe)

At school, I gave up eating on recess times, gone on a liquid fast (that is just drinking water) for a few days in secret (I'm the kind of person that does'nt share much secrets)..i never gave up hope..

When my grandmother went back to Sabah, she called my mother and told her that she wanted to talk to me (I was at school), because she felt better after every time i prayed..
that night I called her, she simply told me to keep on praying for her..

Although to many this might not seem significant or great, to me it was a breakthrough.. This just shows that God hears and answers prayer. Above all, He cares for us.

Now, I am praying so that my grandmother will accept Christ soon, by this year maybe. She is old and ill, and I don't want her to end up suffering even more after life...


I hope that my aunts, uncles, cousins who are still lost, will see the true God, through my family (father, mother, 2 sisters and me)and hopefully, accept God before it is too late..

Will always pray, never stop..

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jesus is coming back SOON1

Well, I do. And it's going to be REALLY SOON

According to Susan Tang's "Living Between the Seals", the 1st four seals out of 7 are already brocken. That means Jesus is coming back really really soon.

I don't have the book at the moment, it's with another friend. I can't really remember all the contents. This are the ones that i remember. All jumbled up. I will give the whole content when i can get the book back, that is next year. (I am 13 years old, hehe :) )

Natural disasters will happen. Well, the latest one, the explosion of Gunug Merapi . Checked. Tsunamis, the 2004 Sumatran tsunami. Checked. Earthquakes. Checked. And many more.

Diseases will come. H1N1. TADAH!!.

Wars. World War I and World War II. Happened and still happening.

Astronomical disasters (I think thats what she called it). Well, even scientists are aware of this, they are even trying to prevent it! That will happen too. So, no way to stop it people.

So sorry that I can't give the full content. Will try to give it if the book is back, hehe.