Saturday, June 18, 2011

Give thanks

School just reopened. I can't wait go back to school to meet up with friends and get on with the school life.

On Monday morning, after some hugs and hi's, it was time for morning assembly. Only then did I remembered that as a prefect, I have to take care of 4science 1. For me, that part of the day and duty is like hell on earth, especially when it comes to one of the girls.

Entering the class and settling the rest down was not a problem for me. But for this specific girl, it's just hard. Maybe it was because she had a bit of history with the school's descipline board, and the fact that my mom is one of the teachers in charge of that, she doesn't treat me like the other prefects, at least that was what I thought.

So fast forward to Friday at CF. After the hell-ish cleaning up time in that class, I dragged myself up to the chapel/CF room. After lunch and worship, it was Jocelyn and Cheryl's turn to take over. That day's topic was "Loving God". Somewhere in the talk, we had an activity, where each group was given a large piece of paper. We drew a circle on it.We were then instructed to write what we thank God for in the circle, and what we were not thankful for outside the circle.

In the circle my group wrote pizza, friends, family, CF, and so on. Outside the circle, some wrote exams, Sejarah, Bio... I wrote there 4science 1. Well, what do you expect?

So the speakers went on and said that we should thank God for everything, even though we hate it. We should look at the positive side of things.

There, I realized that maybe I was put there for a reason. To make me braver, bolder maybe? A few times I considered resigning from my post, but my other friends, especially the ones from CF, will always talk me through, and pray with me when I'm stressed out. They always say, God won't let me go through hardship more than I could handle..:)

So yeah, be happy and give thanks to God for everything you have, even when your job is to take care of students 2 years your senior which clearly don't like a junior being in charge.. :)

"For I know the plans I have for you,' declared the Lord. 'Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."