Sunday, December 26, 2010


Today's superheroes of sports are weaklings compared to a real hero who lives three thousand years ago. When Samson flexed his muscles, heavy cords snapped like rotten strings. He once slew a thousand enemies using the jawbone of an ass for a weapon. He uprooted the gates of the city of Giza and carried them to the top of a distant hill. When attacked by a lion, he made no attempt to escape or to tame the animal; with his bare hands he tore the lion's jaw apart!! Can the strongest man do this? I think barely.

Samson's feat were the works of the Lord. The Spirit of God came over him and suddenly he was empowered with incredible strength.

Samson was a Hebrew during the years when God allowed the Israelites to fall captive to the Philistines. The wife of the Isrealite Manoah learned from an angel of the Lord she would give birth to a son who will save the  Jews from their captors. When Samson was born, the Holy Spirit came upon and he grew to become the Philistines' terror. On one occasion, he killed 30 of them. Another time he caught 300 foxes, tied torches to their tails, and ran them though the Philistines' fields, thus causing their crops to burn. After slaughtring more Philistines, Samson went into the wilderness and lived in a cave.

At one point Samson let himself be captured and turned to over to the Philistines. But when his enemies began celebrate hos capture, he snapped his bonds and massacred them.

The Philistines finally found a way to contain him. He fell in love with a woman named Delilah. The Philistine leaders offered her an enormous sum of money if she could find out the source of Samson's strength, Samson treated Delilah's nagging about his strength as a game. ''Tie me up with 7 unseasoned bow strings, that will normalized my power.'' Delilah tied him up and summoned the Philistines to come for him. But when he saw them, he immediately broke free.

''New ropes will do, tie me in ropes that have never been used'' Samson teased.

Again Delilah tied him, but he broke free.

Samson had long, wavy hair that had never been cut. ''Weave my hair in your loom,'' he said,''and I'll be as weak as any other man.'' But again, when Delilah thought she and her conspirators had him at bay, Samson laughingly broke away,

At last he told her the true secret of his strength. ''I was dedicated to God when I was born, so my hair has never been cut. My hair is the key to my strength.'' Soon Delilah sang him softly to sleep and cut his hair. When Samson woke up and tried to summon his strength, he found that the Spirit has left him. He was captured. The Philistines pull out his eyes, bound him in chains, and threw him in prison where he was forced to grind their grains.

Later the inebriated Philistines were at a festival in honour of their pagan god.  They called for Samson from the dungeon into their temple so that they could mock him publicly. Several thousand people gathered to taunt the once-proud Israelite. But Samson's hair had grown back. He slyly persuaded his guard to tie him between the 2 main pillars of  of the temple. Then he prayed that God would strengthen for one last mighty feat.

God answered his prayer. Samson pushed against the great pillars as hard as he could, they gave way, the temple collapse on the hordes of Philistine mockers - and on Samson. It is recorded that he had killed more Philistines with his last act than he had killed in all his other deeds combined.

*sources, Men of the Bible, Dan Harmon

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Joseph the husband of Mary

Joseph of Nazareth learned that Mary, his fiance, was expecting a child! Since they were not married yet, so naturally Joseph knew the baby was not his. So he decided to deforce her, though privately, so as not to publicly disgrace her. But in a dream, an angel told Joseph that Mary's baby was conceived by the Holy Spirit and would grow up to become the Saviour of the world.

So Joseph married Mary. But during the pragnancy, the couple had to travel to Bethlehem in Judea and register their names as the cansus ordered by Augustus Caesar. There was played out the well-known story of the King born in a stable. Joseph named the infant Jesus, as he was instucted to. Then he was warned by an angel that Herod the Great was looking for the baby Messiah. So Joseph fled with his family to Egypt where they stayed until Herod died and it was safe for them to return to Nazareth.

Joseph must have wondered how this normal child would grow to become the Messiah. But when Jesus was 12, Joseph caught a glimpse of Jesus' greatness. As ussual, the family went to Jerusalem to  celebrate the annual Passover feast. Afterwards, on the way home among the throngs of other pilgrims, Mary and Joseph noticed that Jesus was not with them. Worried, they hurried back to Jerusalem. There they found Jesus in the temple, carrying on intelligent discourse with the scholarly teachers!

''Why are You here?'' the worried couple demanded. ''We've been looking everywhere for You.''

''Don't you know that I need to be here, in My Father's house?'' He replied.

But He returned home with them and grew an obedient boy.

Joseph of Nazareth was given a special role in history. He struggled as an ordinary father and husband to provide for his family in a captive society. Yet he was the father chosen to provide and nurture to the Son of Man.

*sources from Men of the Bible, Dan Harmon

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A little testimony

Here is a little testimony from me :)

I had problems opening this blog just now. For some unknown reason, I just couldn't open my account. Because I just changed my google mail, I didn't know that this will affect this blog's account.

I was very frustrated. I mean, I made a lot of effort in making this blog, asking people around for testemonies and searching for books with sources to write in here, and at that time I felt like everything was wasted and that I was not sure if I could re-do eerything. Attempt upon attempt failed. I don't know why I forgot to do this, but only after a few minutes did I prayed to God.

Guess what?

For some other unknown reasons, I could FINALLY open it. I tried to open it with the SAME password and the SAME account before, but failed. But only AFTER I prayed, I can open it. I rejoiced! Halleluyah!!!

I think what God wanted to teach me was that, the first thing I should do whenever I met with adversity is to PRAY. Although  I always tell this to my friends, but I didn't apply this in MY life. I guess this is a confession. :)

So I think we should always PRAY whenever we met with difficulty. The Bible says in Philipians 4:6 ''Don't worry about anything ; instead PRAY about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done'' Yes God, I got Your message:)

This is my little testimony.:)
God Bless you all!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Abraham was generally regarded as the ''father of the Jewish nation,'' Abraham's life is a wondrous example of how God works His will in impossible situation.

The life story of Abraham would pale the most intricate plots of Hollywood screen-writters -  and it all really happened! God told Abraham to break away from his father's family and go to a new land. God promised ro make a great nation of Abraham's descendants and bless them. ''I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who harm you,'' the Lord told him. So began the formations and trials of God's chosen people.

There was an unhappy chasm between Abraham and his nephew Lot. But when Lot and his household was threatened by a warring kingdom, Abraham and a commando force of 300 soldiers rescued them. God made a covenant with Abraham and promised that his descendents would be as numerous as the stars in the sky - even though Abraham's wife Sarah was too old to bear children. In fulfillment of this promise God them a son in their old age. They named him Isaac.

Nowhere was Abraham's obedience so severely tested as in the mountains of  Moriah where God commended him to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham prepared the altar, gathered the wood, lit the fire, bound Isaac, and placed him on the altar. Abraham drew a knife and was actually poised to kill his son - so commited was he to God - when an angel of the Lord stopped him at the very last instant.

Abraham had proven he would keep nothing from the Almighty, not even his cherished son. In return, God reiterated his pledge to make Abraham's descendents as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the grains of sand along the ocean shore.

Sarah lived to be 127, Abraham, 175, and they were buried in a cave in the field of Ephron in Canaan.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My little story of believing in God!

Hi, I'm Adlyn and I'm 15 next year. I'm here to tell a story of my background a little, and how Jesus came in to my life!

         I was born a Catholic. Until the age of 8, my family and I, went to church faithfully every Saturdays and I had to go to Sunday School on Sundays. Well I was 8, and I did not understand why we had to go to church, most of the time when people were standing to sing the songs, i'll have excuses not to participate. Then when we were 9, we stopped going. If i was not mistaken, my brother had an important tuition to attend and since it was PMR we had to neglect God from our lives for now! But believe me, this very day, I think it was the biggest mistake we ever did! We only attended mass only on big celebrations such as Christmas and Easter.
         My parents never told me anything about Jesus,  I cant blame them though, it was maybe of my lack of enthusiasm to know probably. I remember when i was 7, one of my aunt gave me a children's bible to read! It was filled with pictures so that's what caught my attention back then heee. The stories obviously was not in detail, but I read about King David, Noah's ark and many more! The stories were fascinating, but I didnt know there was a huge other meaning behind these stories!
        Approximately when i was 13, my year was in a mess! I didn't really wanted to be in St Mary, I was supposed to be in Sri Bestari in Damansara but i guess plans changed! In addition, St Mary was way nearer, you can practically walk to my house. As i said, i screwed up my year! My parent were extremely busy that year, my mum was doing a cause on early childhood and my dad on the other hand was working 24/7. Dont get me wrong, but I had one thing to live for finally! Privacy! I could do whatever I want in life. Go out with friends, online without any time limit and not touch the books whenever i want too! So that was my life back then! After my mid term results drop unexpectedly, I only had.. hmmm 3A's? over 11 subjects.. You see, my life is practically my books! Well in other words, my achievement is my studies. So, when I got to know my results, I broke down and cried to God. For once, after a very long time, I pleaded to God, take me to the right path again. I believed God did hear my prayer. Cause for sem 2 to I had about 7As. At least a major improvement right :). So I dedicated myself in learning more about The Lord!
       So this particular year, I decided to join the CF . I was not busy on Fridays, so why not? Surprisingly, CF is a very friendly community! Although, I'm a timid girl especially towards the upper forms. I dont know why though. Its always been in me! But, I made a few friends too. Michelle, Feisan, Doris, Melissa. I participated in a few activities. Miss Boey's farewell, the trip to Orang Asli and The BK quiz. My knowledge towards my Saviour was not only enhanced but I had a good time in CF too :) And this year, having praying to Jesus, regularly made be more calm in the sense of what I did in life. I had a group of awesome friends who was always there for me, great results, and most importantly I had faith there was someone above the clouds watching us...

From the girl i used to be, the girl who had no idea which path she suppose to follow, I would say this is just the begining. There is so much more I can learn about Jesus Christ. And just a little shout out, since it is the Christmas month, just want to wish all the viewers, Merry Christmas and A happy New year! May The Lord bless you!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Proof from Prophecy

The reliability of the Bible is seen in the amazing fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy in the New Testament. It is one undeniable proof that the Bible can stand the test of time. It has been 100% accurate.

Modern clairvoyants Jeanne Dixon and Edgar Cayce have tentalized many Americans with the thought that their futures can be predicted with a high percent of accuracy. The problem, however, is that although phychics, mediums, and spiritualists boasts of remarkable predictions, they are often wrong. Jeanne Dixon predicted that Richard Nixon would win the 1960 presidential election, but John F. Kennedy did. She also predicted that Russia would beat the United States to the moon, but United States reached there first.

According to the Old Testament, a prophet who speaks for God must be 100% accurate. The Bible records the acid test for a prophet: ''You may wonder, 'How will we know whether the prophecy is from the Lord or not?' If the prophet predicts something in the Lord's name and it does not happen,  the Lord did not give this message. The prophet has spoken on his own and need not to be feared'' (Deuteronomy 18:21-22) What becomes of prophets who if they ever go wrong? They are to die (ouch!!so much for lying) (Deuteronomy 18:20)

Scholars estimated we can find approximately twenty-five hundred prophecies in the Bible. Roughly two thousand of those have been fulfilled with remarkable precision. Since we are living in the the last days before Christ's second coming, those other five hundred prophecies are yet to come true in the very near future.

But the odds that all two thousand prophesies could have been fulfilled by chance is less than 1 in 10...2000 (that is 1 with 2000 zeros after it!) Biblical scholar Dr. Charles C. Ryie has pointed out that, by the law of chance, it would require 200 billion earths, populated with 4 billion people each,  to come up with 1 person who would achieve 100 accurate prophecies without any errors in the sequence. But the Bible records not 100, but nearly 2500 prophecies!!

So, yeah,who else but God Almighty can achieve this? God is so AWESOME!!!

*Sources: Discover the Book - Bible, by Bill Bright

Thursday, December 9, 2010

God is just B.YOND AWESOME!!!

Scientists have different views of how the universe was created...(I'm not teasing them or something like that, but this just my point of view).They called it the Big Bang. I like to watch ''The Universe'' from the Discovery Science channel where scientists are trying to explain or even understand their own theory. They say that in the beginning, that is about 4600million years ago, a blob of goop collided with another blob of goop and then, BANG!!!- the Big Bang happened.

Other scientists say that in the beginning, some gases sort of mixed together, some chemistry happened, and another BANG!!!!- a Big Bang.

I wondered, even if these theories are true, then where did the goops or chemical gases come from? Don't they need a CREATOR to CREATE them?

In the Bible, Genesis 1:1 said, ''In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth'' Since the Bible is 100% true, then the answer to as how everything was made is solved. :)

How can scientists explain how humans came to existence? If they say some microbs somehow joined together and became more and more complicated, and eventually became a human, then where did those microbs came from?

Some people believe that we actually came from Mars. They say that this happened when Mars hit the earth, it left some living things behind, and those living things manipulated can guess...:)

From WWF. or Panda Organization, said that they can  uncovered at least a few species of flora and fauna that were unknown to man from the forests of Borneo in a month. Who ever known that there were frogs that breathes completely through their skin? God is TRULY AWESOME..

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Having faith in God

To tell the truth, I hadn't always had faith in God.

It all started last year, when I was 12. I expected 6 A's in UPSR, but instead I got 4 A's 3 B's. I broke down the moment I saw my result.

Earlier that year, I wanted to go to SMK Lok Yuk. At that time my mom wanted me to go to SMK All Saints. After a while, I wanted to go to SMK All Saints, while this time round my mom wants me to go to SMK Lok Yuk. It was kinda funny..haha :)

After I got my results, my mom went to try to get me into All Saints. But for some reasons, I just couldn't get in. At that time, I could't see the reason behind this. So, when school opened, I went to SMK Lok Yuk for 1 and a half week. (Wait, tell you later the reason why I only been there for a bit over a week. :D)

At around that time, my dad got a job offer from Kuala Lumpur. My life seemed to crumble...I mean, we just moved to a new house, and I was just trying to get used to everything. Now, move again? OVER TO KL?!

We were considering over the matter, that is whether or not we shoud all follow dad to KL. But, my mom decided that we all move along to to KL, because as a family we shouldn't be separated. So we all moved over to the capital.

About only going to Lok Yuk for one and a half week. We were only planning to move on the 18th of January (I remembered the dates, haha), so in the mean time, since my mom used to be a teacher of Lok Yuk, she asked one of her collegue to take me in her class for awhile. I could learn a few things in one and a half week, rite? haha :")

I was super quite there. A friend of mine complainted about me not saying hi. Sorry dude, I was..uh.. sorta depressed..haha...:)

So two weeks later we moved to KL. I go to a school called SMK St. Mary. My first impression of the school was that:
1.It is a girl school, so because I came from a coax school, I thought that my new school was, G-I-R-L-Y. haha
2. I used to be those kinds gal who likes sports, but that school didn't offer much sports. Now I'm not really into sports...sad....haha
3. The discipline was super tight......hehe

So for the next few weeks after we arrives there, I dreamed and day dreamed about Sabah. I mean, KL and Sabah are 2 VERY VERY different place...

But  after a long while, I started to actually like that school. It has daily devotions, a ROCKING Christian Fellowship, the activities there are fun, and I get a lot of exposures. haha...

When I looked back, I can see what was God trying to do lasT year. He didn't let me go to my dream school because He has another place that is far more better for me to go to. Besides that, I also got to know, experience and encounter God more closely than ever there in KL.

And I have two different groups of friends, with 2 very VERY different cultures, 2 different point of view..haha. But, I also found 1 group of them who are a family in was just so...CEWLLLL......( i meant cool) :)

Thank you God, You are truly awesomely amazingly BEYOND AWESOME!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bible beats archeologists

Yup, the Bible totaly rules. Here are some other proofs of the Bible from the archeologists' point of view.

1. Scientists stated that the Bible is historically inaccurate because they believed that King David was a fictional character. They said that the remains of Egyptian, Babylonian, and  Assyrian cultures make no specific reference to him. But recently an Assyrian stone tablet dating from the ninth century B.C. has been found by a group of archeologists in northen Israel.  It shows an Aramaic inscription listing Assyria's enemies. Included in the list were the words ''king of Isreal'' and ''House of David''

2.The most documented biblical event is the worldwide flood described in Genesis 6-9. Discoveries indicate that a number of Babylonian documents described the same flood. The Sumerian King List..., for example, lists kings who reigned for long periods of time. Then a great flood came. Following the flood, Sumerian kings ruled for a much shorter periods of time. This is the same pattern found in the Bible. People had long life spans before the flood . Also, the 11th tablet of the Gigamesh Epic speaks of an ark ,animals taken on the ark, birds sent out during the course of the flood, the flood landing on a mountain, and a sacrifice offered after the ark landed.

3.The Hittes were once thought to be a biblical legend, until their capital and records were discovered at Bogazkoy, Turkey.

4. It was once claimed that there was no Assyrian king named Sargon as recorded in Isaiah 20:1, because this name was not known in any other record. Then, Sargon's palace was discovered in Khorsabad, Iraq. atahe very event mentioned in Isaiah 20, his capture of Ashdod, was recorded on the palace walls. What is more, fragments of a stela memorializing the victory were found at Ashdod itself.

5.Another king who was in doubt was Belshazzar, king of  Babylon, named in Daniel 5. The last king of Babylon was Nabonidus according to recorded history. But recently tablets were found showing that Belshazzar could offer to make Daniel ''third higest ruler in the kingdom'' (Daniel 5:16) for reading the handwriting on the wall, the highest available position.

Bible stories just a legend? Think again..


*sources: Discover the Book, Bill Bright

Bible beats science

Believers don't reall need any scientific proofs about some of the facts found in the Bible, but here are some anyway:

1. Many centuries before Galileo (1564-1642) claimed that the earth was round, the Bible declared, ''It is God who sits above the circle of the earth. The people below must seem to Him like grasshoppers'' (Isaiah 40:22).

2. Matthew Maury (1806-1873) is considered the father of oceanography. When he was bedridden during a serious illness, he asked his son to read to him from the Bible. While listening to Psalm 8:8 in the King James Version, Maury noticed the expression ''the paths of the seas.'' Upon his recovery, Maury went looking for these paths, as a result, discovered the continental currents. Maury's books on oceonography is still considered a basic text on the subject and continues to be used in many universities.

3. A Roman engineer named Marcus Vitruvius discovered the hydrologic water cycle in 30 B.C.Yet this truth was fully revealed to mankind in1600 B.C.The Bible records, ''The rivers run into the sea, but the sea is never full. Then the water returns again to the rivers and flows again to the sea.'' ( Ecclesiastes 1:7).

4. The earth's gravitational field is mentioned in the Scripture :'' God stretches the northen sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing'' (Job 26:7)


Extraordinary book- Bible 2

Unsung heroes..

Ever heard of John Wycliffe? He is a guy who gave it all so that we'll have the English version of the Bible.

He lived in the 1300s, when most people in Europe were poor and uneducated. Life was so hard that everyday living consumed all their energy. They had little time for leisure or schoolings. Even if they could get their hands on a Bible, it was written in Latin, which only the elite and educated can read. As a result, many people could not read the Bible by themselves.

John Wycliffe, who was a leading Theologian and philosopher in the University of Oxford, England, grew increasingly distressed that the people had little access to the Scriptures. After much prayers and thoughts, Wycliffe decided to do something about it. Christian historian Donald L. Roberts described Wycliffe's journey this way:'' It was not until the twilight of his career that he came to a fully developed position on the authority of the Scriptures. He declared the right of every Christian to know the Bible''

With great risks, Wycliffe began translating the Bible into English. Because of his very vocal beliefs, his reputation was damaged and friends deserted him. He was eventually placed under house arrest, and the pope demanded that he appear in Rome to be tried. Because Wycliffe's health was poor, he was never forced to make the trip. Instead, he used the time to continue his translating works. He saw it finished before he died. And those who supported his works kept alive his English Bible and passed it on to the next generation-even in the face of death and persecution.

Forty years after Wycliffe's death, religious authorities tried to silence his influance by digging up his bones, burnig them, and scattering the ashes over the river Swift, But they were too late to stop the inpact of the transelator's works. Wycliffe's commitment to the Scriptures and his English translation ignited a firestorm over Europe over the next several hundred years. Today, he is considered ''the Morning Star of the Reformation''

So, the Bible that you hold on your hands were payed with a high price..and it is very precious, hold it dear. :)

*source: Discover the Book, Bill Bright.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Hey everyone. Doris here :) Feisan has been asking me to write something here for AGES, but, obviously, i didn't post anything here :P

i think feisan's done a wonderful job. creating a blog for CF, whoah. haha. :D

so, here's my testimony::

so, maybe some of you might be wondering, what does a 13-year old girl like me possibly have to say? Haha. yeah, if this was a year ago, i'd be asking myself the exact same question :)

God has certainly worked wonders in my life this year. On July 28th this year, my best friend of 9 years passed away. And, obviously, i'd blamed God. I questioned Him. I guess at that time i was absolutely devastated about losing my BFF. I thought God had abandoned me. I thought He'd stopped caring. So, yeah. When i look back on the way i acted then, i just couldn't believe that that was me. I was crushed that God had taken my best friend away from me, but i never would've thought i'd act like that. Haha. You could say i was being overly-dramatic :D

So, basically, yeah. I thought God had forgotten about me. And, yes, i was very selfish then. In my view, everything had to be about ME. And God taking my best friend away from was definitely just ruining my life. Or so i thought.

I went to school the next day, feeling utterly devastated. I wanted to just block out EVERYONE from my life. That didn't exactly go the way i planned it to. Haha. As soon as i arrived in school, i was surrounded by friends. Whether they knew my friend who passed away or not, ALL of my friends were there for me. They didn't leave me alone. They knew of my loss, and knew how upset i was. My closest friends in class, Xuan Ying and Shahmina were the ones who had been able to make me laugh. Soon after that, all of my friends were around me, cracking up jokes and all. Haha. And the best part was, even Puan Thilaga, ( :D ) made me laugh :)

After school, I had CF la, as usual. On that day, i seriously felt loved. And while i was in the CF room, I was so sure that God had not abandoned me. I went home, feeling so much more better, and i prayed. I asked God for forgiveness. I knew i shouldn't have questioned Him. I knew I was wrong.

The week after that, my Papa came into my room and told me that he booked ticket for me to go to Australia for my best friend's funeral. I was shocked. Just the week before I'd asked Papa if i could go and he said there was no way he'd be able to get me a flight this late. And there he was, telling me I'd be able to say my last goodbye to my best friend.

I've definitely changed a lot since then. I've stopped being so selfish. I've learnt to appreciate my friends while i still have them. But most of all, I've learnt that no matter how much of struggle and pain you go through in life, God will always be there to help you through it. He'll be there with you, no matter what. And He'll always love us all. :)

Friends are God's way of taking care of us here on earth. (: <3

That's my testimony :) thanks for reading it although it was sorta long :D

Doris Ashwena Thomas :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Extraordinary Book-Bible

What is so great about the thick book that Christians carry around? Why is that so many people are buying the really old book about some man named Jesus? Why some countries even band that little book? Is it really written by God as many believers claim it is?

How many books that are written hundreds years ago and are still the number one best seller? Tell me a book that said that the Earth was infact round instead of square before Gelileo discoverd that. Can you find a book that was written by more than 10 person over a period of 50 years, and all talking about the same thing? Is there a book that is full of prophecies that really came true?

These are some of the many very interesting facts about the Bible.

The Bible was writen by some 40 authors, over a period of fifteen hundred years. All of the authors wrote the same theme, that is Jesus as the Son of God came down to save us from sin. The Bible was written in 3 languages, that is Greek , Latin and Aramatic. In the Bible there are many  scientific facts that really beats scientists, prophecies that came true, that are coming true, and yet to come true.

Scientific facts that beated scientists:
1. Galileo Galilie(something like that) was the first man who discovered that the Earth is round. A long time before him, the book of Isaiah wrote about that. That's one for the Bible.
2. The Bible also recorded something about the logical water circulation before man found the answer as to where the water went.
3. Historians doubted that King David existed. But a recent excavation found artifacts with writings about David.
And many more.

1. The birth of Jesus was prophecied many times hundreds of years before He was placed in the womb of virgin Mary.
2.From the book of Revelations, it said that incurable diseases will come. Well, H1N1 just came, andit is predicted that there may be a second attact from the virus. Scientists fear that this time the virus might become immune to the current antidote.
3. From Revelations again. It was said that nations will rise against nations.That means cold wars. That is still happening.
Plus many many more....

Some people said that the Bible is fake, or that the Bible is not the same as the original language after centuries of transelations.

A boy discovered a jar filled with old books in a cave near the Dead Sea. It turns out that those books are infact book from the Bible. All of the 66 books are there, except the book  of  Easther. When scientists compare these old Bible books with the modern day Bible, they found that there are no difference. It was obvious that God has preserved His Book.

About the 40 authors that wrote the Bible. Try taking 10 people and tell them to write about something. Separate them and ask them to write without taking a peek about each other's idea. The result might be that each person writes something entirely different from the other, because there is no guide to guide them n writting. Even if there was a guide, each of the 10 people might still write something different from the other, because they are not guided by GOD.

The authors, from Abraham, Joshua, Ruth, Easther, John, Matthiew and others,were guided by the Holy Spirit to write about what they wrote,even when they lived in different eras, in different languages. Who but God can do this?

The Bible is banned in some places. For example, Malaysia. Malaysia banned the use of Bahasa Malaysia Bibles in  east Malaysia, because the word Allah, which means God in the BM Bible, can only be used for the Muslims in this country.

Why some people are willing to die for the sake of their faith and the Bible? It is simply because the Book is the very love letter from God, and that they can't lose the precious Book.

I hope that the Bible can be enjoyed as a letter from God, instead of just another holy book. And I hope that when Christians were threatened, they will be strong and go through it all. God be with us at these end times. Amen.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nothing is impossible with God..

Nothing is impossible to God. Like the song ' Allah Peduli' by Agnes Monica
'..apa yang kelihatan mustahil bagiku
itu sangat mungkin, bagi Mu..'

This is my testimony

I have a friend at school. She is in the same class as me. One Thursday around July, a few days before a a school  bazar (Pesta Ria),she wrote a letter, in tears, to me. I did't keep the letter, but I remembered what it said
"(My name), if I die today, please help me to give theses coupons to my parents. Tell them  to use it.
From (anonymus)
well, something like that.

I was shocked, because as far as I know, she is an active and friendly girl. Well, some people do says that she is annoying, including me, but other than that, she is ok... I also thought that she was jocking.

I said to her " Why? are you going to kill yourself?" I was a bit sarcastic.
"No.. my family hates me and so does everybody"
"Well, if that is the case..."
I went on saying that even whent he whole world hates her, throw her in a corner and don't care about her, there is always someone that cares about her, even LOVE her, and that is God. I also said the famouse verse from John 3:16, 'For God so loved the world that He gave HIs only Son. So that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life''

She kept on crying. I offered her a prayer, in Jesus's name. She is still living till today.

After that, she told me that at home, she has many things, riches of the world. But inside, she is empty. She seldom sees her parents, and is hungry for love. She tried to kill herself many times, by cutting herself and overeating Panadols. I can see that she is DESPERATE for love and attention.

When I told to a friend about me wanting to share the Good News to the friend, she says it is impossible. But I ignored and continuid my mission''''

So, I started talking to her about God, how Jesus died for her, how much God loves her. She  was touched.

After i consulted my CF teacher, she suggested I give her a booklet, entitled " God knows your pain" I followed. I explained to her about he content, and offered her prayer. I also bring her to morning devotions.
At home, I prayed to God that so my friend might get to know Him.

On the schooleavr's service, the speaker shared about his own experience, much alike hers. On the altar call, she came out. And she accepted Christ. Hallelujah!!

I am still praying so that the seed of faith in her will not wilter, especially now that it is the holidays. This is a new challenge for me, to keep the seedling growing.

I will keep in praying for her, also countless other so that they will also know God. Amen.


After seeing all those time seeing my family members begging and praying to their gods, i feel sad for them. Pity them actually, that they don't know the real God.

I now that I'm only 13 years old, but nothing is impossible through God who strengthens me.

I've prayed and fasted really hard that my grandmother, who at the moment doens't believe in God yet, so that she will get  know Him.. and guess what?
although she does't accept Christ YET, but she now has faith in Him!!!
really happy about this news..

This all started when i started praying with her besides her bed every night when she came to KL to stay with us for a few weeks (mommy's idea, hehe)

At school, I gave up eating on recess times, gone on a liquid fast (that is just drinking water) for a few days in secret (I'm the kind of person that does'nt share much secrets)..i never gave up hope..

When my grandmother went back to Sabah, she called my mother and told her that she wanted to talk to me (I was at school), because she felt better after every time i prayed..
that night I called her, she simply told me to keep on praying for her..

Although to many this might not seem significant or great, to me it was a breakthrough.. This just shows that God hears and answers prayer. Above all, He cares for us.

Now, I am praying so that my grandmother will accept Christ soon, by this year maybe. She is old and ill, and I don't want her to end up suffering even more after life...


I hope that my aunts, uncles, cousins who are still lost, will see the true God, through my family (father, mother, 2 sisters and me)and hopefully, accept God before it is too late..

Will always pray, never stop..

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jesus is coming back SOON1

Well, I do. And it's going to be REALLY SOON

According to Susan Tang's "Living Between the Seals", the 1st four seals out of 7 are already brocken. That means Jesus is coming back really really soon.

I don't have the book at the moment, it's with another friend. I can't really remember all the contents. This are the ones that i remember. All jumbled up. I will give the whole content when i can get the book back, that is next year. (I am 13 years old, hehe :) )

Natural disasters will happen. Well, the latest one, the explosion of Gunug Merapi . Checked. Tsunamis, the 2004 Sumatran tsunami. Checked. Earthquakes. Checked. And many more.

Diseases will come. H1N1. TADAH!!.

Wars. World War I and World War II. Happened and still happening.

Astronomical disasters (I think thats what she called it). Well, even scientists are aware of this, they are even trying to prevent it! That will happen too. So, no way to stop it people.

So sorry that I can't give the full content. Will try to give it if the book is back, hehe.