Thursday, December 2, 2010

Extraordinary Book-Bible

What is so great about the thick book that Christians carry around? Why is that so many people are buying the really old book about some man named Jesus? Why some countries even band that little book? Is it really written by God as many believers claim it is?

How many books that are written hundreds years ago and are still the number one best seller? Tell me a book that said that the Earth was infact round instead of square before Gelileo discoverd that. Can you find a book that was written by more than 10 person over a period of 50 years, and all talking about the same thing? Is there a book that is full of prophecies that really came true?

These are some of the many very interesting facts about the Bible.

The Bible was writen by some 40 authors, over a period of fifteen hundred years. All of the authors wrote the same theme, that is Jesus as the Son of God came down to save us from sin. The Bible was written in 3 languages, that is Greek , Latin and Aramatic. In the Bible there are many  scientific facts that really beats scientists, prophecies that came true, that are coming true, and yet to come true.

Scientific facts that beated scientists:
1. Galileo Galilie(something like that) was the first man who discovered that the Earth is round. A long time before him, the book of Isaiah wrote about that. That's one for the Bible.
2. The Bible also recorded something about the logical water circulation before man found the answer as to where the water went.
3. Historians doubted that King David existed. But a recent excavation found artifacts with writings about David.
And many more.

1. The birth of Jesus was prophecied many times hundreds of years before He was placed in the womb of virgin Mary.
2.From the book of Revelations, it said that incurable diseases will come. Well, H1N1 just came, andit is predicted that there may be a second attact from the virus. Scientists fear that this time the virus might become immune to the current antidote.
3. From Revelations again. It was said that nations will rise against nations.That means cold wars. That is still happening.
Plus many many more....

Some people said that the Bible is fake, or that the Bible is not the same as the original language after centuries of transelations.

A boy discovered a jar filled with old books in a cave near the Dead Sea. It turns out that those books are infact book from the Bible. All of the 66 books are there, except the book  of  Easther. When scientists compare these old Bible books with the modern day Bible, they found that there are no difference. It was obvious that God has preserved His Book.

About the 40 authors that wrote the Bible. Try taking 10 people and tell them to write about something. Separate them and ask them to write without taking a peek about each other's idea. The result might be that each person writes something entirely different from the other, because there is no guide to guide them n writting. Even if there was a guide, each of the 10 people might still write something different from the other, because they are not guided by GOD.

The authors, from Abraham, Joshua, Ruth, Easther, John, Matthiew and others,were guided by the Holy Spirit to write about what they wrote,even when they lived in different eras, in different languages. Who but God can do this?

The Bible is banned in some places. For example, Malaysia. Malaysia banned the use of Bahasa Malaysia Bibles in  east Malaysia, because the word Allah, which means God in the BM Bible, can only be used for the Muslims in this country.

Why some people are willing to die for the sake of their faith and the Bible? It is simply because the Book is the very love letter from God, and that they can't lose the precious Book.

I hope that the Bible can be enjoyed as a letter from God, instead of just another holy book. And I hope that when Christians were threatened, they will be strong and go through it all. God be with us at these end times. Amen.

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