Sunday, January 23, 2011

A little update from Youth For Christ. =)

Hey all, it's Su Ann here. Since Jun has posted hers, I guess I shall post mine as well =) I bet some of you from CF know that Sue Yin and I are serving as volunteers in YFC for 3 months. Working there has been really challenging from the very first day but I thank God that Uncle Piang Hong (National director for MYFC) has been really helpful. The mission statement (like what we have in St. Mary) of MYFC is to mobilize young Christians to participate themselves in His kingdom's work and I'm thankful enough because I've been using my holidays fully and meaningfully to serve and know more about Him.

I reckon my walk with Christ has improved a lot after these few weeks of Jan working in YFC. I'm exposed to different ways to learn and explore the content of the Bible. I am still very amazed by the little details God has imprinted into it through different people. For in 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.", and I highly agree with that particular verse. Each and every verse in the Bible is inspired and given by God and we should treasure and take into heart very seriously.

Plus, I got to know also the power of prayer. In this 3 months journey as a short-term staff in YFC, I am supposed to raise my own fund in order to support my own movement. That's why I need to prepare a letter called Personal Support Scheme (PSS) every month. Initially I was really worried about this funding matter. When I was told about it in the office, I had so many concerns regarding where the money will come from, who is gonna give, how the letter is to be written and WHY MUST I DO SUCH A THING? No offense, but I thought the idea of having to ask people for $$ sounded so terrible.. and scary. But I realised as time goes by, this PSS thingy trained me to fully rely on God's provision. Then I prayed. So hard, so intensely. And the result? =) Yes, I got a few God-sent people to support me financially, sufficiently and adequately. Praise the Lord for that. You guys can pray for me too in this youth ministry. It'll be very much appreciated.

Last but not least, do go to the CF room to grab a few leaflets for an event that I am taking charge in YFC. It's called Human Tic-Tac-Toe and it's on the 15th of February in SMK KB. I hope to see some of you there! I'll update soon. =)

Here's a verse from Ms Sim during last CF meeting :
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust man. - Psalm 118:8

Love in Christ,
Su Ann. =)

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